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Al Jazeera English Live Stream ansehen

Al Jazeera English
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Al-Jazeera ist ein internationaler Fernsehsender mit Sitz in Doha, London, Kuala Lumpur und Washington. Er sendet rund um die Uhr in englischer Sprache, auch über das Internet. Er verfügt über ein eigenes YouTube-Portal, auf dem er seine Videos veröffentlicht. Der Sender sendet Nachrichten (von Sport bis Politik) und Dokumentarfilme. Der erste englischsprachige Nachrichtensender mit Hauptsitz im Nahen Osten. Das Ziel des Senders ist es, "das zu erzählen, was sonst niemand erzählt, eine friedliche Diskussion zwischen dem Westen und dem Osten zu fördern und den gängigen Vorstellungen vom Nahen Osten zu widersprechen". Al Jazeera English strahlt seine Programme über seinen YouTube-Kanal aus, der als einer der meistgesehenen Nachrichtenkanäle gilt. Der Kanal wurde von zahlreichen internationalen Organisationen ausgezeichnet. Der wichtigste Nachrichtensender des Jahres 2010 war der Nachrichtensender des Jahres, der von der Royal Television Society ausgezeichnet wurde.

5/5 basiert auf 1 Stimmen

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Brilliant coverage. They are definitely not spreading fake news and I can't see any bias in their reporting and believe me I did some research. FYI I'm English and living in Austria.

Al Jazeera is smart, professional, and has a very broad view of world news. They get a little woke in my opinion, but it seems to be infecting everything at the moment. However, Al Jazeera is quite neutral and covers the news that really matters to most people.

I was following Al Jazeera English, long before I realized I belonged in Qatar. The scale of their news subjects are simply astounding. They are all over the place. If you are wondering about the political situation, the social life in any country, well, Al Jazeera has news about it.
But it's not the best thing about it. The best part is how many people read the news on Al Jazeera. And people all over the world are just discussing related topics below the comments. Even though it's biased in a way, people are quick to point out about it.
Most of the time I'm visiting Al Jazeera English online so I can read what people have written.

It's a breath of fresh air from the mainstream media. They are not afraid to expose and denounce hatred, intolerance, racism and Islamophobia in certain parts of Western society. Al Jazeera is brave enough to expose the white racist elite who use their money to oppress minorities globally with police brutality and military force. They're just as grounded as The Young Turks, if not more so.

Have you ever seen the news of human rights violations in Qatar? Because Al Jazeera is busy drafting fabricated Reports on the Kashmir issue and other Indian issues. This is biased not only for India but for many Western countries as well. After browsing through the articles on Kashmir, you'll learn how this news channel presents the wrong facts and puts India in a bad light on the international front.

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