Televisão Online - Canais de TV - Reino Unido - BBC Arabic

BBC Arabic Assista ao vivo

BBC Arabic
  • Reino Unido

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A BBC Arabic Television é um canal britânico de notícias internacionais e de televisão pública em língua árabe. Faz parte da BBC. Este canal não é a primeira tentativa da BBC de organizar emissões televisivas no mundo árabe. O canal anterior foi encerrado a 21 de Abril de 1996, após dois anos de emissão, quando o seu parceiro de radiodifusão Orbit Communications Corporation (propriedade do Príncipe Khalid, primo do Rei Fahd da Arábia Saudita) terminou a parceria após um episódio que criticava o governo da Arábia Saudita. Muitos dos membros do pessoal do canal foram trabalhar para a Al Jazeera depois de esta ter sido encerrada. O canal foi anunciado anteriormente em Outubro de 2005, e começou a emitir no Verão de 2007, mas foi cancelado. As emissões começaram a 11 de Março de 2008. O canal foi lançado pela BBC World Service com uma subvenção do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros britânico.

3.6/5 baseado em 3 Votos

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Now, it's clear that you can't always please everyone, but the collection of prejudice, racism, and narrow-minded criticism here is hardly representative. If it were true that 93% of all viewers hate the BBC then the actual viewership figures would be much lower. Obviously some BBC programs are great, some are not great. Some I like and some I don't. But overall, the BBC shows quality programming with no commercials. Just watch US TV and see how great the BBC is in comparison.

Excellent, outstanding, award-winning objective news. Funded entirely by UK taxpayers. Doesn't bother with tabloids, commercial gibberish from media outlets like FOX who only deal in promoting propaganda to benefit their shareholders and their own interests.Unfortunately, the US doesn't have anything like the BBC due to the repeal of the fairness doctrine in 1987, which was supposed to be reinstated.

A proper impartial organization that is badly needed in the UK. Without them, the landscape of the news would be pretty scary and only controlled by a powerful few

By far the best broadcaster in the world. Too bad there are so many people who believe Rupert Murdoch's anti-BBC propaganda. They should be careful what they wish for!

There are many more good than bad, the news is generally biased by the government, but it is also generally against the Fourth Reich British Nationalist Party scenario, hence 99% of the bad reviews here. Occasionally, however, my blood can boil when they make too obvious that they are reading a government mandate message or overlook an obvious lie from someone they are interviewing, but that is not the spiteful mere human being / ultimately due to the government.

Some of the best Entertainment and News on TV, Radio and the Internet. Funded in a unique way that keeps standards high. BBC is the best platform for on-demand entertainment. Our Olympic broadcaster. Fantastic all round.

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