Holvoet TV is a local Chilean television channel based in the city of Copiapó, capital of the III Region of Atacama. It belongs to the Empresas Holvoet group, owned by local businessman Edwin Holvoet, who is...
We are a TV channel and a digital platform always connected to the earthly world and social networks. We look at society without veils, straight ahead and with our eyes wide open. We define ourselves from the...
Mega is a private Chilean television network based in Santiago, Chile. In 2012, ownership of Mega was transferred from Grupo Claro to Holding Bethia, with Warner Bros. Discovery acquiring 27.5% in 2016, both...
Canal 13 is part of a multimedia company comprising the free-to-air television signal Canal 13, the pay TV channels 13C and REC TV, the websites 13.cl, T13.cl and AR13.cl, the apps 13Go and 13Now, the radio...
TV Senado streaming signal is a communication media, dependent on the Senate of the Republic of Chile, aimed at improving knowledge of parliamentary activity, favoring greater proximity to citizens and...