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Franken Fernsehen
  • Germany

  • Local

We are a private regional television station for Middle Franconia and the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region. A team of about 40 produces about two hours of programming a day consisting of current news, reports and magazine programmes. It can be seen every weekday in a 30-minute local window on RTL's frequency as well as daily on its own 24-hour full frequency via cable and satellite. The TV station Franken Fernsehen switched its programme to the high-definition format in April. First, viewers in the cable network of Vodafone Kabel Deutschland can watch the new format; from summer 2017, broadcasting in HD is also planned via satellite. The changeover will also be accompanied by a change in the programme: more reports from and about Franconia are planned, and in addition, musicians and bands from the region will be presented in the "Soundcheck" section. The programme makers are also thinking about a new quiz programme. According to TNS-Infratest, the most successful regional TV station in Bavaria has 525,000 viewers (widest broadcasting area). The private regional TV station operates under the name TVF Fernsehen in Franken Programm GmbH.

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