DW - Deutsch Watch live stream

- Germany
- News
Deutsche Welle (DW) is a 24-hour public information television channel. Particular attention is paid to events in Europe and Germany. Programs are in German and English. Deutsche Welle is the German broadcasting corporation. We are a team of journalists, speaking 30 languages, working in studios and correspondents all over the world. Our principle: facts apart, opinions apart. We don't just bring you the news, but also explain the causes and consequences of what is happening. Everyone has the right to free access to information. The DW app is a source of independent information and a platform for the open exchange of opinions. We believe independent media and responsible journalism are essential around the world. Given Germany's history, we believe that people should be able to freely express their opinions and have access to independent sources of information. We consider this to be an important prerequisite for peace and democracy. We support the development of independent and transparent media systems, quality journalism and media expertise. We help rebuild the media in post-crisis and post-conflict environments and contribute internationally to the professional training of media workers.