Live TV channels online - TV channels - Czech Republic - ČT1

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  • Czech Republic

  • Public

CT1 (Jednička) is a television station of the Czech Television. It was established on 1 January 1993 and is a mainstream channel with a family-oriented programming schedule. The station broadcasts Czech and foreign films and series, news, entertainment and competition programmes.
ČT1 is available through the public multiplex 21 in terrestrial digital broadcasting in DVB-T2 standard. The analogue broadcasting of CT1 was terminated on 30 November 2011. The switch-off of multiplex 1 began in November 2019 and was completed on 30 September 2020.
CT1 regularly broadcasts award-winning Czech and foreign films. From its own series it broadcasts e.g. Labyrinth, The World Under My Head, First Republic, Rapl, Cases of the First Department, Doctor Martin, Chetniks of Luhačovice and others, from foreign ones e.g. Hercule Poirot, Crime Scene, Young Montalbano, Judge Amy or Taggart. ČT1 broadcasts the Sportka draw, other programmes include reruns of its own programmes and those of Czechoslovak Television.

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