Catholic TV Watch live stream

- Religious
CatholicTV strives to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the fullness of Catholic Tradition through TV and new media. The Network does this first of all through the daily broadcast of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Our 24/7 channel also offers other prayerful, educational and inspiring programming. Here you will find our daily Masses, Catholic prayers, content from our broadcast TV shows and original videos produced to help you live your faith more fully. Whether you've been a Catholic for 85 years or you've never set foot in a church, we're here for you! Archbishop Richard Cushing's first program - Low Mass of the Catholic Television Center of the Archdiocese of Boston was produced on the morning of January 1, 1955, when Archbishop Richard J. Cushing celebrated a papal memorial service at his studios at 25 Granby Street near Kenmore Square in Boston. From this studio, equipped with three RCA TK31 cameras, the Center produced live and taped programs, and bought time from local commercial TV stations to broadcast weekly Sunday mass. In 1961, the studios of the Catholic Television Center became the temporary headquarters of the educational broadcaster WGBH-TV, when the stations of this station were destroyed in a fire.