News 24 Watch live stream

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News24, since 2002, is the first news television in Albania, entirely dedicated to news.
News24 brings the latest news in real time, with 24 hour reports from journalists across the country and Albanian lands, global developments, comments and opinions from experts and professional analysts.
The programs in News24 offer in-depth and objective analysis of the most important developments, from the most authoritative voices and personalities of the Albanian world.
News24 is open to the daily concerns of every citizen, as a window where problems are heard and resolved and human solidarity is provided.
News24, now the news is us! News 24 operates the popular Balkanweb news portal. It was created in February 2000 by the Italian publishing company Edisud, financed by a contribution from the Soros Foundation, then sold to Focus Group in 2011. Balkanweb's videos come almost exclusively from "News 24".