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Metro TV
  • Indonesia

  • News

Metro TV is an Indonesian free-to-air television news network based in West Jakarta. It was established on November 25, 2000 and now has more than 52 relay stations nationwide. It is owned by Surya Paloh, who also owns the daily Media Indonesia. These two newspapers, along with other newspapers distributed in different parts of Indonesia, are part of the Media Group. Providing unique advertising opportunities and retaining viewers and advertisers. To stimulate and promote the progress of the nation and the country towards a democratic environment, to stand out in global competition, with high appreciation of morals and ethics. Add valuable presence to the TV industry by providing a new perspective, improving the presentation of information, and offering high-quality entertainment alternatives. Reach significant levels of growth by developing and leveraging your assets, improve the quality of life and well-being of your employees, and generate significant returns for your shareholders.

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