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Established in December 2001 and premiered in the United States in February 2002, New Tang Dynasty Television is the largest Chinese language television news network in North America. With a strong media team of more than 60 correspondent stations across all continents and international metropolises such as New York, Tokyo, Paris and Sydney, NTDTV is the only Chinese TV network that provides 24/7 coverage of the latest global news and real news from mainland China, making NTDTV the "No. 1 Chinese TV brand". It has achieved the status of "No. 1 Chinese TV Brand". New Tang Dynasty currently broadcasts 24/7 to viewers in Asia, Europe and North America via satellite, cable and wireless TV and Internet TV.
The Largest Overseas Chinese Program Producer
New Tang Dynasty is the largest overseas Chinese TV media producer of self-produced TV programs, with over 1,200 hours of self-production annually. Based on its strategic location in New York and its global vision, New Tang Dynasty continues to launch special sections on entertainment and variety, lifestyle, education and consultation to showcase the latest trends in New York City and mainstream Western lifestyle, becoming a high-quality integrated service media platform for overseas Chinese, the new generation of overseas immigrants, global Chinese tourists and viewers to learn about the U.S. mainland.