Hamburg 1 Watch live stream

- Germany
- Local
Hamburg 1 is the TV station for the Hamburg metropolitan region. With a technical reach of 1.9 million viewers, Hamburg 1 broadcasts beyond the city limits into the surrounding area. Hamburg 1 can also be received outside the Hanseatic city: With Telekom's entertainment, a further approx. 1.4 million viewers are reached nationwide. Current news, hard-hitting sports and creative entertainment - Hamburg 1 informs you about everything worth knowing about the Hanseatic city. In addition to regional, national and international news and the breakfast television Frühcafé live, the programme consists mainly of in-house productions as well as corporate formats such as Carport or Airport TV. The first format broadcast on Hamburg 1 was the breakfast television Frühcafé live, which is still broadcast daily from 6.00 to 9.00 a.m.. In addition to news from the region and cinema tips, changing guests are interviewed.